Sunday 17 March 2013

Update & Bloglovin

Hey Guys,
So I have some explaining to do don't I? 
I haven't blogged and I've been away from the blogosphere for nearly a month now! Ridiculous I know. The last thing I want to do is throw around the excuse of uni, exams and deadlines because there are so many bloggers out there that have all that going on but still manage to stay on top of their blogs. I feel bad that I haven't done a blog post in so long but, I've come to the end of my second term at uni that means I have a whole month off. Jheez! 
So from catching up on blogs and all that jazz, I've been seeing that GFC will be no more? Not sure why that is, doesn't make much sense to me. But there's no way I want to lose all the amazing blogs I read or you guys who have been so kind to follow my blog. I heard you can import your blogs and readers to Bloglovin (phew) so yay, I can still keep up with my fave blogs and you guys can follow me by just clicking the link on the side of the page.

I have no excuse not to post anymore so expect many upcoming blog posts! 


Thank you so much for reading, and I appreciate every single comment left. If you ask a question or leave a special kind of message, make sure you check back for my reply. Don't forget to leave your blogs so I can check them out!

alethia . All rights reserved. BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio .