Monday 21 January 2013

The Liebster Award

Majorr slack on my part with the regular posting to my blog promise I made to myself *hangs head in shame* I tried to take some pictures of an outfit of the day a few days ago and it was one of those days where the mirror was like "yes girl, werk!" and the camera was like "please stop" so that failed. 

However, on a happy happy note - I've been nominated for the Liebster award by gorgeous Em from BlueVioletHearts, and I just want to say thank you so much to her!! Check out her blog, she's a beaut. 

The rules for the award are:
1. Post 11 things about yourself
2. Answer the questions that the tagger sets for you
3. Create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
4. Choose 11 people, link them in your post and go to their page and tell them.

11 things about me;

1) I'm a major super clutz, I've broken 3 bones and it's not unusual for me to fall down the stairs or trip over invisible cracks in the pavement.

2) I love to sing but am scared I will one day lose my voice because I don't know what I want to do with it :/

3) Proud VD (vampire diaries) and PLL (pretty little liars) super fan.

4) The dream is to be a fashion journalist. Writing for the likes of Company mag would be insaneee.

5) I'm a shopaholic and I'm okay with it.

6) I used to be so shy to the point where I was probably socially awkward, haha.

7) I'm a STRONG believer of 'everything happens for a reason' so I don't tend to dwell too long on the unfortunates.

8) I love meeting new people who are genuine, down to earth and friendly. Too many people hate you before they've even met you these days.

9) I love love, and I love hard.

10) My wardrobe is perfectly colour-coordinated.

11) I'd love to inspire/create happy memories/change the life of at least one person before I die.

11 questions from Em;

1. What made you start/want to blog? Always being interested in fashion and obsessed over what I wear and reading other amazing blogs wanting to do the same thing.

2. How would you describe your style? With the words 'whatever I feel like' I don't have a set type of style like chic or grunge, it depends on whatever I feel like wearing.

3. If you could only have 3 beauty items for the rest of your life, what would they be? Concealer, mascara, lip balm.

4. Lipgloss or Lipstick? Ahh, bit a both.

5. What is your fashion 'Pet Peeve"? Leaning ugg boots and see through leggings.

6. Who is your embarrassing celebrity crush? Idris Elba, he's not everyone my age's cup of tea.

7. What was the best thing you bought in 2012? Navy vans, wore them errr'day.

8. "Steal her style", "Recycle her style", "Burn her style" - Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Rita Ora? Miley Cyrus - Steal, Rihanna - Steal, Rita Ora - Recycle.

9. Who's blogs are you loving this month? Wayyy too many to name!

10. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I like London, but New York and LA are up there too. I would like to travel absolutely EVERYwhere though.

11. Who's style inspires you? Gotta love Miss RiRi, but I don't have one particular style icon. I draw inspiration from everyone and everywhere.

The blogs I nominate are;

And my questions areeee;

1) Why do you blog?
2)What is your go-to piece of clothing/pair of shoes?
3)Which high street store does your bank account hate?
4)Do you always follow fashion trends?
5)Where does your style inspiration come from?
6)What is your dream job?
7) Online shopping or out and about shopping?
8)What are your favourite blogs atm?
9)Shoe lover or bag lover?
10)What is your fave fashion season - A/W or S/S?
11)What do you wish to have achieved by the end of the year?

Thank you so much again to Em for nominating me, sorry about the never-ending amount of text in this post. I do hope you enjoyed it though. Thanks for reading,


  1. Aaaw thank you so much for nominating me!! xxx

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me hun!! x

  3. I love reading peoples answers on these posts! Idris Elba is very handsome!



Thank you so much for reading, and I appreciate every single comment left. If you ask a question or leave a special kind of message, make sure you check back for my reply. Don't forget to leave your blogs so I can check them out!

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